The Coral - Golden Hour Gathering

The Coral - Golden Hour Gathering

As the sun dips low on the horizon each evening, make your way to the lush terrace of The Coral Club. Snuggle into a comfortable lounge chair overlooking the private beach and swaying palm trees below.

It's time to unwind at the Golden Hour Gathering. A bartender will be serving up cool drinks from the terrace bar as the sky transforms into a vibrant canvas of color. Appetizers such as wood-fired pizza and tropical fruit will be passed around for snacking.

Chat and connect with other guests as you watch seabirds dancing across waves shimmering gold. Music will play mellow tunes to enhance the relaxing atmosphere.

By the time the last sliver of sun dips into the sea, strings of twinkle lights will have flickered on amidst the palm fronds. Cocktails and conversation will flow under a sky swept with shades of periwinkle and plum.

Revel in the serenity of the terrace with breathtaking views of land and sea meeting at the island's edge. Recharge your mind and spirit at The Coral Club's signature Golden Hour Gathering each evening.

All are welcome to unwind and unwind at dusk's magic on the terrace.